Senin, 16 Juli 2012

AMY KIRK: Use algebra to figure out what makes women tick 16-07-2012

When it comes to the human species, there are only two things that have been perpetually hard to understand: men’s hand signals and women.

When it comes to the human species, there are only two things that have been perpetually hard to understand: men’s hand signals and women.
To all the men out there who get frustrated with their wife because she never understands or properly interprets your hand signals, I can relate. Let me be the first to welcome all of you to a woman’s world. Women have always gotten frustrated that their husbands don’t understand how a woman thinks and more importantly - feels.
The inner workings of a woman’s mind is the world’s most unsolvable mystery to the history of man. Since men’s genetic makeup consists of 87 percent desire to figure out how things work (the remaining 13 percent consists of running the TV remote) all guys try to take a crack at figuring women out. It’s in men’s DNA to accept a challenge.
Men continually ponder life’s most pressing question: “How do women dredge up stuff that made them mad during the Reagan administration?”
Males remain baffled that women can change their moods faster than a guy can chug a beer. All men have come to the same conclusion regarding women’s reactions to men’s responses to the question, “How do I look?” which is that a woman’s thought process is random.
Men base everything on logic. Women can complicate logic with their so-called “feelings.” In the male world this is known as being “too emotional.”
Understanding a woman is nothing more than your average complex algebraic expression: it makes no sense, is difficult to understand, and is highly frustrating to figure out.
Here’s a sample algebraic equation of the average woman to elaborate my point. I challenge you to solve the following equation:
(56y X 5 +4) + [(12,107 + 362 + 3,235) � (842 ? 60 +

more read here

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