Senin, 03 September 2012

#MrCollinsWeekly Issue 4

It's now the first week back at school and the return of my #MrCollinsWeekly that I started sending out to all my colleagues and tweeting on Twitter at the end of last year.

I have now done the new issue (issue 4) and this can be downloaded here... Just open up the pdf document and all of the links should take you to the relevant resource/article.

This week's issue contains:

Mr. Taylor's (@taylorda01) 'Heptathlon' resource and link to his blog
My new classroom blog posts
A Hexagon puzzle
An Olympic Rings number puzzle
and...which is the best number, 73 or 34969?

To see all the past issues of my #MrCollinsWeekly either look up the # on Twitter or alternatively you can access all of them here...
I send my #MrCollinsWeekly out each week on an e-mail to my department, previous maths teachers I have worked with on my GTP, maths teachers I worked with when working as a cover supervisor, the maths trainees I worked with last year and others that have requested I send it to them each week. If you would like to be added to my weekly e-mail then just DM me your e-mail address or leave it in the comments below!

I hope the resources mentioned here are useful, let me know of any you've used in class and how they went down!

Mr Collins

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