Selasa, 16 April 2013

Percent Game Remixing

In yesterday's post on a percent game, I shared two great GeoGebra sketches that students found. I remixed each of them a little, so I thought I'd share them here.

dhabecker's neat rational number arranging sketch lets students place arrows to try to put fractions, decimals, and percents in order. He has a very clever way to check if the randomly generated numbers are in the right spots.  It notifies students when they've got all 4 right, and I wanted to them to be able to check their answer along the way. So - thinking of Mastermind - I thought about what if it can give the number correctly placed? Since I was doing that I added a reset button and a bit of color. Next I would add a fifth number, as that makes so many more permutations possible.

On GeoGebraTube:
download or applet. (Unfortunately doesn't seem to work in HTML5, because the polygons won't move.)

The other sketch I modified was David Cox's great percent estimation sketch.  Almost immediately on trying it on the Smartboard, the students turned it into a game.

So I turned it into a game with turns and scoring. There's 6 rounds. I thought about forcing players to take turns going first but ultimately just decided to ask them to.

Next  I would be interested in seeing it go from a percent number line to another quantity. So the game asks you to find 38%, but the number line goes from 0 to 630. The percent and the whole would change each time. Worth a go? Probably that's in my head because of David's nice double numberline percent sketch.

On GeoGebraTube:
download or mobile-ready applet.

As always, I'd be interested in feedback on either one of these.

But I'd also be interested in what could help develop a remix culture in GeoGebra.  I learned it (am learning it) mostly on my own by experimentation, from suggestions on Twitter, and googling stuff from the online help. But in the Learning Creative Learning class they put a big emphasis on remixing as a way to learn that gives a lot of support to learners. With my middle school GeoGebraists, they are struggling to do work of value all on their own.

Are you a remixer by nature? What would it take to get you trying it in GeoGebra?

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