Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

'Hooking' them in...

Following my NQT session on 'Structuring Lessons Effectively' and the introduction of 'Meerkat Time' (see previous post) I have attempted to 'hook' my students into their lessons this week!

Here's some of the ways I have done this this week...

Year 7 (angles lesson)

picture on board:


Year 11 (enlargements lesson)
this video by Dan Meyer
Year 10 (factorising and solving quadratics)
I paused my IWB on the 'Wreck's Factor' game on Manga High (the class had previously played this game for h/w after we went through factorising quadratic expressions)
Year 10 (completing the square lesson)

This caused a great amount of hilarity (mainly with the Mathematics department, my Year 10s didn't think I was being serious! Nonetheless, it worked!)

Year 8s and Year 10:
I gave them one of the 'settlers' target boards to work out

Year 10's:

I gave them Dave Gale's QR Code Puzzle task (see

I found that by doing this I immediately had the attention of my classes as they entered the room and got sat down in their usual place. There was a quicker start to my lessons and I was able to still do all the admin like taking the register, checking h/ws etc whilst they were off and running on the tasks they were given or videos/pics they were to write down questions about. I will definitely continue to ensure that I utilise 'Meerkat Time'!

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