Selasa, 26 Juni 2012


Due to my inclusion on the TES Maths Panel, and after having numerous discussions with colleagues as to how I can best share the resources I find, I have decided to set up a #MrCollinsWeekly 'newsletter' where I will highlight the best resources I have found that week, links to websites, lesson ideas, starters/plenaries, what I have been doing in class etc etc.

I intend to tweet this to my followers each week using the #MrCollinsWeekly hashtag and I will also be sending this to my colleagues I have either worked with before or am currently working with.

All of this is aimed at sharing good practise, enhancing my role on the TES Maths Panel by advertising the best resources I have found, and it will also give me a useful collection of resources I have used throughout my NQT year!

Here's an image of the 1st issue of the #MrCollinsWeekly...

In the 'newsletter' I have hyperlinked as many of the resources/images as I can so it easy for users to locate the resources/websites I have mentioned. If you would like to subscribe to the #MrCollinsWeekly then by all means send me an e-mail with your e-mail address and I'll ensure I send you each issue as I create them each week. Direct message me your e-mail address via Twitter or via this blog.

You can get issue 1 of the #MrCollinsWeekly here...

If you have any suggestions as to what I could include in the #MrCollinsWeekly or you have a resource/site that you would like me to mention then just get in touch.

Mr Collins

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