Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Study Tip - 2

Do you know any professional musicians, dancers perhaps? History shows that art and mathematics thrive in the same places. I, sadly, don't. Although yesterday I witnessed a pianist's daily practice routine. It started with loosening up the muscles. Then, slowly, player and instrument become one sound generating machine. To me this explained why musicians can have such deep relationships with their instruments. The musicians we see on stage ( all of them, not just the 'stars' ) have practiced at least ten-thousand hours to reach that level. I don't think it's such a bad guess to say that, any mathematician who is at the forefront and is creating new mathematics, carries at least the same weight of practice hours on his belt as a professional in the arts or an athlete.

Tip 2: Exercise daily

Work on a difficult exercise every day. Find a booklet with Olympiad level exercises or any book with exercises that are a challenge for -you-. Exercises you can do won't make you better. Hard exercises do.

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