Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Quadrilateral Diagnosis

I was inspired to do this by the neat quadrilateral hierarchy sketch shared this morning on Twitter.  But I got wishing they had made the types accurate - that you could only make squares in the square spot. And that their hierarchy used the inclusive definition of trapezoid. (Pet peeve of mine.)  Then I thought what if the types lit up when you make the shape?  That led to the sketch pictured below, available as a ggb file (EDIT: in GGB 4!) or as a webpage.

When I included it as an applet here, it just didn't work as smoothly as it does over at the geogebra hosting, or by displaying the file directly in a browser.

It was very fun figuring out the conditional tags to make the names show up.  I think I've covered most of the corner cases.  Figuring out a way to do convex/concave and quadrilateral or not

It was quite handy knowing multiple definitions of each type, which me wonder about a scaled down version of this as a problem to assign to students.

Where do you stand on the trapezoid definition? Is a parallelogram a trapezoid? (I say yes!)

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