Sabtu, 30 Desember 2006

3 dimensions of teaching/learning

I hear,I forget;
I see, I remember;
I do, I understand.
When I read this quote on a board in my school,it forced me think on it from a student's point of view. Yesterday when I was thinking on it again, I realised that it is the nutshell of our education process.
I think, the teaching/learning process has 3 dimensions.
The first one of which is a classroom, where in the teacher is playing the major role. The teacher comes in the classroom, fully prepared, with enthusiasm and delivers the lesson.In such a situation a circle of knowledge is created whose radius is decided by the teacher and the students knowledge is revolving on the circumference of that circle. The student in this case is a passive listener.
The second dimension, I think is a smart classroom, where in the teacher is utilizing the technology tools to facilitate the learning process. The role of the teacher is different from the previous situation. The students are able to visualise whatever is taught to them.In this situation a circle of knowledge is created by the teacher as well as the student, whose radius is decided by both of them.Surely, the radius of such a circle will be bigger than the first one.
The third dimension is a place where in the students are exposed to hands-on projects or activities.Thus setting up a platform where the lead role is played by the students.The students are exploring the world of knowledge themselve.In this situation, the circle of knowledge is created by the students according to their satisfaction. The radius of such a circle may vary .The knowledge gained in this situation, I believe is the maximum.
I think, we must go through all the 3 dimensions of the teaching/learning process, only then it will be complete.
Thanks for reading.
Your valuable suggestions are welcome.

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