Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

More stationary from

Having stocked up on some stickers and my 'Mr Collins likes this' stamp at the start of my GTP year I recently paid another visit to and purchased some new stationary for my NQT year.

I still have plenty of 'Mr Collins' Award for Awesomeness' maths stickers left and my 'Mr Collins likes this' stamp is still going strong and so I didn't need much (although I was tempted by so many things on the website)!

However, reflecting on last year, I realised that I spent so much time, when marking student's books, writing the same phrases over and over again. Namely 'what went well' or 'what I like is...' or 'i like that you have...' etc and 'what you need to do to improve is...' or 'next you should look to' or 'how you can improve is by... etc. So, I bought myself a 'What Went Well' and 'Even Better If' stamp that should save me time marking.
My employing school last year on my GTP didn't use these, however at my second school placement they were used by every teacher in the maths department when marking books and they seemed to save a lot of time! I may even have one waiting for me at my new school but figured that it won't hurt having one at home if so!

Whilst on the marking theme I also got some of their green teacher's marking pens - I prefer to mark in green than red, although after the first half term or so last year I pretty much used whatever pen I actually had left in my pencil case after lending all others out! Now I have a few to keep me going!

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