Rabu, 18 November 2009

Constructivism and WatchKnow

Two interesting web links to pass on:

1) Interesting essay found by Michael Paul Goldenberg (no relation) at Education Notes Online: a teacher and parent commenting on constructivism and the math wars in NYC. There is some really interesting math happening in the city classrooms, in particular the Math in the City project, and the essay is a good read. Check it out: The Math Wars Revisited: Lisa, Why Doth I Love Thee....

2) New web resource: one of the founders of Wikipedia has started a collection of educational videos that is rapidly growing and becoming comprehensive. It's called WatchKnow. Everything from Carl Sagan addressing the shape of space-time (I was just talking about that with my students...) to a geometric solids story starring Sniffer Bob (which is what we were discussing...). The rating system will become really helpful as the site matures, I think.

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