Selasa, 03 April 2007

Classroom Blogging

During the past six months I have been constantly exploring the internet and the other resources for finding a new strategy which could help me in making the teaching/learning of mathematics more interesting and effective. And after a lot of research I have come to the conclusion of starting classroom blogging with my new students. I have realized that it is now easier to integrate the technology, particularly the internet, in the teaching/learning process. Also the publishing on the web has become convenient and easier. No special technical knowledge or training is required for doing the same. With a few simple clicks of the mouse, anybody can have their own Web page and begin creating content for others to see.
I have planned to create two blogs .The first one will be mine where I will be posting the lesson plans, activities, reading material, guidelines, references of the websites etc. for my student’s .The second one will be my classroom blog where the students will be posting their work. I think this idea would definitely help those students who because of their shy nature are not able to express themselves in the classroom. I think this new approach will instill confidence in the students because they will be able to express their ideas by writing them. And for writing something one has to wrestle with the thoughts, which are generated only when worked upon in depth. I am very positive in starting this new strategy with my students. I will share my experience about the same very soon.

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