Rabu, 10 Januari 2007

Purpose of learning....

Why learn?
The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live. Mortimer Adler
Learning in life is a never ending process.We find each day as a new day, when we are exposed to new things. As the technology is advancing and the students are also exposed to new learning environments, I feel that we should also change and update our knowledge. This is a fear of our mind if we think that we will not be able to fullfill the future challenges because we donot know how to work on computers?I donot agree to this. I can give you live examples of the teachers who at the age of 55 are learning to practice basic computer skills because they have accepted the reality that one day they have to utilize the technology tools in their classrooms. Sooner the better. What if we have to sit for long hours to learn and adapt to new situations?
We are in the field of education and we are ready to accept the future challenges.We are ready to unlearn what was learn earlier and learn new strategies.

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