Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Getting SMART: 'Pull Tabs'

Last week I saw a tweet that linked to the following blog On the blog was a downloadable ppt presentation that shows 38 interesting ways to use your IWB.

I had seen this before but having not really looked into using SMART software on my IWB didn't take too much of it in. However, over the past few weeks I have been using the SMART software a fair bit and am really liking the effect it is having in my lessons and the reaction of my students when I use a new 'trick' or tool on the IWB slides I have prepared - it still amazes them that I can magically make the answers appear by just rubbing the board (deleting the white text I have over the answers).

So, having re-read the ppt presentation on the above blog I decided to take a look at creating a 'pull tab' #17 on the presentation (slide 17 of 58).
Pull tabs allow you to group together a 'tab' (picture/shape) and a set of text. The shape/picture is then placed at the very side of the slide (with the text out of view). The picture/tab can then be dragged into the centre of the slide, with the grouped text to reveal hidden information. I decided to use this with my learning objectives and made a tab and copied this onto each slide of my presentation. I then was able to drag across the learning objectives at various stages of my lesson to refer back to what we should be learning and to do some AfL as to whether we had met certain objectives at stages of the lesson. It worked really well and there was, again, an 'Oooooo' factor from the class when I first dragged the learning objectives across.

To create the pull tab I:
created a semi-circle shape & put some text saying 'learning objectives' over it
typed in the learning objectives (the text to be hidden)
created a rectangle, with line colour set to white and filled this in with white too. I then sent the rectangle behind the text and then grouped the semi-circle, text and white rectangle together.

This then ensured that whenever I dragged the LOs across they entered over the existing info on the slide.

Here's some print screens of my first pull tabs...

 pull tab hidden on the right hand side
 pull tab then dragged across into the centre of the slide, revealing the LOs
on the next few slides, I referred back to the LOs, with the pull tab appearing over the existing slide's info (due to the backed white rectangle)

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