Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Abstract Algebra E-222 video 25 Rings 2

Every word counts in mathematics.

Every non zero single-variable polynomial with complex coefficients has exactly as many complex roots as its degree, if each root is counted up to its multiplicity. ( Fundamental theorem of algebra, Wikipedia )

The polynomial $x^2-1=0$ has ( thus ) two roots: $(1, -1)$. However, if we consider the coefficients of the polynomial as elements of the ring $\mathbf{Z/8Z}$ then the polynomial has four roots: $(1, -1, 3, -3)$.

$x^2-1$ has $4$ roots...

In lecture 25 professor Gross explains how the division and Euclidean Algorithm can be applied to polynomials in Polynomial Rings over a field.

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