Kamis, 12 April 2012

Get Mathematica Cookbook from O'Reilly for $4.95

If you are into Mathematica this might be helpful. SWIM owns a paper copy of the Mathematica Cookbook, but he did not own the e-book version yet. The e-book version of the Cookbook is particularly interesting because it is entirely written in Mathematica and is delivered as such: as a set of Mathematica Notebooks. Anyway, SWIM went to the O'Reilly website to register his Cookbook. This required a valid e-mail address but no proof of ownership of the hard copy Cookbook. After the registration was completed he got the offer to update to the e-book version for only USD4.95. I don't know how long this option will work though, publishers publish to make money and unfortunately not to disseminate Mathematica. Anyway, USD4,95 for the e-book is value for money, you get 15 chapters or 800 pages or literally hundreds of workable recipes.

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