Jumat, 08 April 2011

Ramanujan's magic square formula - Revisited

Ramanujan's genius (r) was discovered by Hardy (l)
At a very young age Ramanujan designed the following formula for a 3 by 3 magic square:

C+Q | A+P | B+R
A+R | B+Q | C+P
B+P | C+R | A+Q

where A,B,C are integers in arithmetic progression and so are P,Q,R.

Rewriting Ramanujan's scheme somewhat to
2Q+R | 2P+2R | P+Q
2P | P+Q+R | 2Q+2R
P+Q+2R | 2Q | 2P+R

where P,Q,R are in the Rationals, it is clear that every (P,Q,R) yields a magic square with constant number 3 (P + Q + R).

I conjecture that for any 3 by 3 magic square a triple (P,Q,R) can be found in the Rationals such that they fit the above scheme. Finding a proof for this is one of my 'problems'. Naturally, I would be very interested in any counter-example.

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