Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Visual Mathematics

Years ago when I started studying mathematics besides my job in IT I never considered that I would be able to apply mathematics in my day-to-day job. But I do now, because I work on the development of a drawing program ( a specialized drawing program on Android ). Does that make me happy? Just a bit. Because  applied mathematics can get as dirty as computer programming. Once applied, mathematics has lost most if not all of its beauty ( although nothing of its power ). I love pure mathematics, and even more so visual mathematics. The three pictures below are the result of applying a function to respectively the integers 1, 2 and three. The construction ( Mathematica programming, if you like ) of that function however required understanding of calculus, geometry, linear algebra, group theory and tling theory ( they are all parts of the Archimedean tiling of the whole plane with vertex type 4,8,8 ). My point being: this is the mathematics I like so much.

When I really like a picture I made I add it to 'The Gallery'. I am far from being able to create art with mathematics but there is a point where mathematics becomes art or where art becomes ( laying the groundwork for future ) mathematics. M.C. Escher explored mathematics decades before general theories about the subject were formulated.

If you are interested in Mathematics and Art then I can recommend this book: Connections: The geometric bridge between art and science.

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