Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Pointless Mathematics (Revisited and Revived!)

Back in February, whilst still on my GTP, I thought about and then set about creating my very own version of Pointless...Pointless Mathematics.

I blogged about this here on my previous 'reflective journal' blog.

Well, having just been on the TES doing my weekly look about for resources/ideas for my lessons I have discovered that the up and coming resource of the week is centred around my idea. You can see the resource of the week on the TES Mathematics pages here. Now, the only thing is...this isn't my resource, but a far better revived version of it.

When putting together my version I found there were a few 'snags' with the resource and it didn't work as great as I thought it would in class. Well, now Richard Tock @TickTockMaths has created a much better version where the resource now works much more like my intended version.

The resource takes the data I collected via Twitter (thanks again to everyone who took the surveys) and builds it into a multiple choice resource whereby the students, in teams, have to come up with the most 'pointless' answer. They also have to explain their answer in order to win that round.

I am very much looking forward to trying this resource out nearer the end of term and am glad that my idea has inspired others to use the resource and essentially make it better!

Thanks to Craig for mentioning my original idea in the resource of the week video and to Richard for improving on the idea and making my idea usable in class!

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