Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Significant test improvement recorded at several Clinton schools

State test scores released today by the Mississippi Department of Education show significant improvements at several Clinton schools.
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Others saw some dips, including Clinton Junior High which was a Star school last year, but this year saw lower overall scores.
“We are ecstatic,” said district Superintendent Phil Burchfield. “The raw scores released today look great for our individual schools as well as our district as a whole.”
The data released today is not the school rankings; official school and district rankings will be released later this fall by MDE. Data released today reflect outcomes of the Mississippi Curriculum Test 2 (MCT2) and Subject Area Testing.
“Last year, we had four Star schools, Sumner Hill, Clinton High School, Clinton Junior High and Northside Elementary,” said Assistant Superintendent Tim Martin. “MDE has not assigned school rankings yet, but we are very optimistic about this year’s performance.”
Even though English II subject area test scores at Clinton High dipped slightly this year, “our scores are among the very best in the state,” Martin said.
The percent of CHS students scoring advanced on the English II test went from 39 percent last year to 32 percent this year. Overall, 77 percent scored proficient or advanced on this difficult test.
In Algebra I, 86 percent of students at CHS scored proficient or advanced, compared to 88 percent last year.
Of the district’s seven schools, six will receive rankings later this fall. Clinton Park Elementary does not administer the state test because it only enrolls pre-K, kindergarten and first-grade students and state testing begins in the third grade.
Northside Elementary only tests third grade and will not receive an official ranking from the state, but its scores on the state test will be celebrated within the district.
When students take the state tests, their scores are in four categories: Advanced, Proficient, Basic and Minimal. When calculating schools’ overall performance, student scores are weighted so that advanced scores are worth three points, proficient scores are worth two points, basic are worth one point and minimal are worth zero.
more read here http://www.clintonnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120829/CLASS/120829001/Significant-test-improvement-recorded-at-several-Clinton-schools-

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