Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Play and learn mathematics

You may not find the usual action and sound typical of video games in them, but the simple exercises in the educational CDs developed by former principal of S.R.K.V. College of Education T. S. Soundararaja Rao familiarises students with basic concepts in mathematics, and English grammar.
“Most of the educational CDs available in the market focus on the syllabus and are examination-oriented. It will be better if the students can reinforce their understanding of basic concepts while having fun,” says Mr. Rao who distributes the content free for those who approach him.
The 20 exercises in the CD ‘Educational Games for Children’ developed using basic programming help students polish their mathematics skills including solving equations, divisibility, probability, functional operations, and simple geometric skills, he says. A few of the games help build vocabulary and introduce students to simple sentence construction while there are some which are purely for fun. The 81-yeard-old educationist with a post-graduation degree in mathematics and Ph.D. in education says the exercises are designed based on his experience as a teacher.
Mr. Rao had earlier developed another educational CD titled ‘Merry Maths’ in 2007.
Though the CD cannot compete with advance educational video games, the simple exercises will suit students of primary and upper primary classes, while the rest were for students of Standard VIII and above, he says. Mr. Rao says he is planning to make the games available for students in Universal Serial Bus (USB) drives as the free laptops provided by the Government do not have CD drives. Though he is troubled with health ailments, Mr. Rao who calls developing games his hobby, passionately follows his passion for education. He says that the work of two more educational CDs is in progress.
more read here http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/article3831087.ece

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