Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

My 1st 3D Prezi...

As you will probably know if you have read my previous 'reflective journal' blog posts, I have become a big fan of using Prezi in class!!

http://mrcollinsreflectivejournal.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/collaborative-prezis.html etc

Prezi have just introduced 3D backgrounds for creating Prezis! This adds a whole new element to the Prezi world and not only are they a lot more fun to create but they add a certain 'kudos' to your presentations as everything these days seems to be going 3D!

I have been working up at Cambridge University the past week teaching a Pre-IB class for a summer school and have just created my 1st 3D Prezi. I used one of the many 3D template backgrounds to get started and love the added 'umph' it gives my presentation. This is definitely another tool that will get more and more people using Prezi!

Here's my 3D Prezi...


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