Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

A Teacher Talking

It's a little hard to share this because he speaks so nicely about our class. But my realization is that it's really his work that he's talking about.

Our end of semester assignment is one I cribbed from Maria Anderson at her college math/tech camp. She asked us each to do a Little Big. That is, a little presentation that gets at the big ideas.  I ask the teachers to make it available over the internet, as I see that as an important professional participation tool. Slideshare, Prezi, Google presentations or even a PowerPoint file shared via box.net.  Bill is the first person to share by webcam, and the result seemed pretty powerful to me.  He gave permission to share it more broadly, so you get to see what you think.

Bill is an experienced teacher who speaks his mind directly and is very free to share what he does and listen to others. Follow him on Twitter at @breenw77

Post a comment here or tweet him directly with your response. 

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