Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Announcing two new websites.

I received this message earlier today.
Hi Nilo Just to let you know I've gone live the link is http://chrisfmathsphysicsmusic.blogspot.com/ Hope you find it interesting Best wishes Chris

Go here: http://chrisfmathsphysicsmusic.blogspot.com/.

This might be the moment to 'open-up' a website in its very early beginnings. The site will change often and is going to contain my ( mathematical ) notes. Anything I ever might publish will go through there. At least, that's the idea. I don't have a domain yet, let alone a webserver so I used Opera Unite's out-of-the-box Webserver. The address is http://home.ndroock1.operaunite.com/webserver/

See also the Bookmarks page

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