Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Ning -Thing

Sharing my experience of Students network on Ning ....
Mathematics , say it in front of 100 people, 80 would say ...Oh! I am not so good in mathematics or I hate mathematics or something which is not in favour of mathematics teaching or learning. I always wanted to teach mathematics differently because I have a strong feeling that it is the way in which is presented to students which create an interest or disinterest in the subject. So, I accepted it as a challenge to myself as a mathematics teacher to deliver the content to students in an interesting manner and to inculcate in them a habit of self learning.In my journey of teaching, I got an opportunity of exploring e tools ,open source softwares ,web based platforms (blogs ,wikis,podcast ) etc through a non profit organisation CII Shiksha . And in the process I created Mathematics Learning blog (which you are reading) , Planet Infinity , Figures Speak, Slide Shows , Podcasting House etc for teaching learning mathematics. Blogging added a new dimension in my teaching ways. It expanded the boundaries of the classroom. That was for the session 2007-2008 students.
Now, the new session has started. I wanted something new to explore with students. So, I thought of setting up a platform for students where we can interact , share ,discuss and engage in teach learn mathematics in a creative manner. By creative manner I mean to say , students are using various means (wikis/podcast/blogs) etc for sharing and learning. In the month of April 2008 , I created a social network for my students of grade 10 on Ning. It is KHMS e Mathematics .

How I planned the whole thing and How it is going on?
Firstly I planned the whole project on a paper and cross checked it for all pros and cons. I created a class poll in which I asked my students on having computer machines ,internet connection , how much time they spend on learning through computers etc. Then I took review from some selected parents regarding the use of internet by their ward in education .Then I asked my students to create their e mail ID's in a special format which highlights their name,class/sec and roll no etc.I took one and half hour session in our multimedia room in our school with each of my section and explained to them how to create an account , add to a group, start a discussion, to comment , to reply , to upload a file etc on the Ning.For each of my class/section I created a special group. For each and every chapter we are learning in the classroom ,there is a separate group for having a discussion and sharing. In each class/section , further I have divided the students in groups like group1_xb , group8_xg etc , for having project discussion and submission.A very special feature of this network is its Query section, where students post their queries in mathematics and I provide them the solutions of problems in mathematics through written text , mp3 audio files, videos etc.
This is not all, the journey is still on.

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