Selasa, 27 Maret 2007

The Power of internet

Exploring … “The Power of internet in math education”
Internet has emerged as an ALLADIN KA CHIRAG for the teachers, educators and the students. I will share ONE OF my experiences of how it has helped me in taking out the best from my students in the learning of mathematics. My previous year students of class 10 were to work on a mathematics project in the summer holidays. I prepared general guidelines for the project and created an email ID for the students so that we can communicate during the holidays. This was purely done on experimental basis. In the beginning I was not 100% sure whether the students will be comfortable with working like this. And how the parents will react to this approach? But I must appreciate the fact that not even a single parent out of the whole class of 50 students turn up with any of the complaint, rather through email they appreciated the effort. In the first mail all the students informed me about their topic of investigation and a brief about the group members. Then I suggested them with number of websites from where they can get useful information related to their topic. Most of the students took the help from their family members to mail to me the content searched by them. Some of the students while working on the project suggested me new tools of learning and doing mathematics. This shows their keen interest and the enthusiasm of learning and sharing too. That was a wonderful experience working with students and sharing and learning too. It has not only raised the level of achievement of learning but has motivated me to do more and explore more for my students. In my teaching career I have been constantly thinking and working on new stuff so that I can keep motivating my students towards learning of mathematics. I feel that I have not yet fully tapped what I see to be the vast potentials of the Internet. Whatever I have experimented represent the sprouting of seeds of this endeavor. The best is yet to come.

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