Kamis, 01 Maret 2007

Paper Folding and Mathematics

By paper folding
(i) To locate the mid point of a side of a triangle.
(ii) To locate the perpendicular bisector of a side of triangle.
(iii) To locate the median from a given vertex in a triangle.
Material Required
Coloured papers, sketch pen, Pair of scisors
I. Mid point of a side of a triangle.
Take the side AB of triangle ABC. To locate the mid-point of AB place the vertex A on B or B on A and form a crease. The point obtained on AB is the mid-point of AB. Name the mid-point as M. II. Perpendicular Bisector of a side of a triangle.
Take the side AB of triangle ABC. To locate the mid-point of AB place the vertex A on B or B on A and form a crease. Draw a line on the crease. This line is the perpendicular bisector of side AB.
III. Median from a given vertex in a triangle.
Take the side AB of triangle ABC. To locate the mid-point of AB place the vertex A on B or B on A and form a crease. The point obtained on AB is the mid-point of AB. Name the mid-point as M. Now form a crease from the vertex C to the mid-point M of AB. Draw a line on the crease. CM is the median of the triangle from the vertex C to the side AB.

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