Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Campaign to officially pardon Alan Turing

In the UK a campaign has started to officially pardon Alan Turing, ( probably ) the greatest mathematician of the 20th century and a war hero who literally saved Great Britain.

From the Guardian:
... In 2009, Gordon Brown issued an official apology for Turing's treatment by the British government, a signed copy of which is including in the exhibition. However, a campaign to have Turing officially pardoned was rejected by justice minister Lord McNally last month.
"I think it's enormously regrettable – he ought to be pardoned," said former culture secretary Chris Smith at the launch of the exhibition. "This country treated him outrageously and we should be honouring him by removing any stain from his record, his character, his history and saying that we got it wrong – he didn't." ...

Despite Gordon Brown's official apology in 2009 there are still people who don't get it. Unbelievable, isn't it?

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