Rabu, 03 November 2010

Logistic Equation

Watched lecture 5 in the MIT 18.03 series

In this lecture differential equations were discussed of type $\frac{dy}{dx}=f(y)$, i.e. with no independent variable in the RHS of the equation, aka autonomous differential equations. He showed how to get qualitative information about the solution without actually solving the Differential Equation. The logistic equation ( remember MST121? ) was discussed and used as a model in several problems. Without actually solving the equation much could be said about the solutions.

I read Lesson 1 of MST209/OpenLearn. The title is 'First Order Differential Equations' and contains procedures for Euler's Method, Direct Integration, Separation of variables and the Integrating Factor method. The lesson also contains several exercises with answers. All very much like a normal Open University lesson.

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